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Our Camps

Our Camps are different than most! You will receive daily updates and videos on your dogs progress as well as weekly lessons to keep you in the loop and to ensure you are comfortable managing what we have taught your dog.  You also get to take your dogs home each weekend to start implementing what you and your dog have learned that week.

This is our meet and greet! 


Evaluations can be done in person or over video call.  This will be about 30 minutes long and give us a chance to get to know each other and your dog.  We will discuss goals and options in detail and figure out what the best course of action is for you and your dog.

Evaluations are $50.

*Behavioral evaluations must be done in person.

The Camp just for Camping
Board and Train


This Camp is 2 weeks in length and focuses on the key skills needed to have an enjoyable weekend at the campground with your dog. Our main focuses will be maintaining calm behavior on a Place command and a solid Heel command so you can enjoy walks throughout the campground and enjoy leisure time at your campsite.

For dogs 6 months and up.

Canine Camp
Board and Train


This Camp is 4 weeks total and your dog will be here with us Monday-Friday each week. Our most popular program focuses on calm behavior and solid commands in many different contexts. We help get you and your dog in proper shape for a lifetime of love.

For dogs 4 months and up.

Wild & Free
Board and Train


This Camp is 6 weeks total and your dog will be here with us Monday-Friday each week. We go over everything from the Canine Camp plus we will focus heavily on off-leash reliability in different contexts.

For dogs 4 months and up.

Wild Child
Behavioral Board and Train

This Camp is 6 weeks total with the option to take your dog home over the weekends which is dependent on the dogs progress each week. This course is focused on helping dogs and owners work through and better manage behavioral issues such as OCD behaviors, high anxiety, fear and/or aggression.

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